


但, the way you spend time out in nature can affect how much your physical, 情绪和心理健康将从中受益. 如果你想出去放松, 缓解压力或焦虑, 集中你的注意力或者改善你的健康和幸福, 试试这些建议,让它成为一种更专注的体验.

Spending time in nature provides undeniable benefits for your mental health, 比如更小的压力和更好的记忆力. 但是如果你经常粘在屏幕手机上, computer or any other kind – you may have forgotten exactly how relaxing in nature works.

不要放弃,抱上一两棵树,然后回家. There are plenty of other ways to immerse yourself in nature 和 have fun while you’re doing it. 你也会采取措施来管理压力.

Here are 10 relaxing nature activities that will rejuvenate your mind, 从简单到改变生活.

  1. 品味风景.
    在4K电视上播放的CGI电影让我们眼花缭乱, but you won’t always find the most mind-blowing spectacles on a screen. When was the last time you got up early to watch a sunrise or ventured to the nearest hilltop to watch it set? The scenery will mentally prepare you for a hectic morning or help you de-stress after a busy day so you’re ready for the night.

  2. 漫步荒野.
    散步对你有好处,但并不是所有的散步都是一样的. Cruising streets without nature doesn’t provide the same mental boost as hiking a local trail or feeling the s和y beach between your toes. 你也不需要在脑海中有一个特定的目的地. 你的目标不是要走多少英里, 而是让自己漫无目的地沉浸在周围的自然世界中. The Japanese call this “forest bathing” 和 it can rejuvenate a weary mind.

  3. 沉浸在音乐中.
    而且不是戴着耳机播放的那种. Leave your electronics behind 和 listen to the melodies nature has to offer: babbling brooks, 鸟的歌曲, wind whistling through the trees 和 the scurrying of unseen animals through the canopy. It’s a lot more relaxing than the honking horns 和 text message alerts you’re used to. It offers the opportunity to practice some meditative mindfulness in your tranquil surroundings.

  4. 保持体形.
    If you have fitness goals, there’s no better place to work on them than the great outdoors. Enjoy the fresh air while you go for a jog or walk, 和 reserve the treadmill for rainy days. 当然,你不需要跑很多地方去锻炼. Many public parks have exercise stations where you can do stretches 和 calisthenics such as sit-ups or deep knee bends. Or consider tai chi, for exercise that benefits the mind 和 body.

  5. 在天堂里摆姿势.
    Yoga offers many physical benefits, like stretching the body 和 building core strength. 它也能让你放松. 研究表明,如果你置身于大自然的美丽之中, you might up the flow of good feelings 和 take your yoga session to whole new levels. So try skipping the gym 和 make a park with a view your yoga studio.

  6. 在阳光下学习.
    如果你要学习的话, 或者是需要消化的书面材料, leave the fluorescent lights behind 和 read in the light of the blue sky overhead. Natural environments can enhance cognitive abilities such as memory. So if you want to retain more information for that big test at school, 如果周围有鸟和树,你可能会拍得更好, 而不是同学和爱聊天的同事.

  7. 打包野餐.
    Load a basket with your favorite healthy goodies 和 have lunch among the flora 和 fauna. Bring some companions along – a picnic is the perfect way to spend quality time with friends 和 family without the distractions of the modern-day world. 大自然使人们更容易与他人交往, so it’s the perfect place to build stronger relationships with those you love.

  8. 去钓鱼.
    Fishing puts you outside near a body of water, 和 it rewards patience. 这些都是好事. Better still, grab a young niece or nephew or gr和child, 和 teach them how to fish. Even if you don’t catch (和 release) anything, you’ll both forge a treasured, lifelong memory. 再加上一点运气, you reel in a perch that will grow into a marlin after multiple retellings of the story at family events.

  9. 抬头看看天空.
    All of those people who watch birds as a hobby are on to something. There’s a special thrill when you can recognize a bird by sight, or by its sound. Odds are, your local Audubon chapter offers free birding walks that are open to the public. Or, turn to the internet for free resources to help you identify the birds in your area. 无论哪种方式, 观鸟给了你在大自然中放松的绝佳借口, 你的头在云里. 这是一种抵御压力的好方法.

  10. 睡在星空下.
    现在你开始认真了. Why not disconnect entirely for a couple of days 和 make nature your home? 野营比简单的一日游能让你走得更远. 如果粗鲁不是你的风格, 考虑豪华露营, 在哪里你可以保持一些你喜欢的物质享受, 但还是要远离这一切. 如果你带着手机, 把它用于很酷的观星应用程序(或紧急情况), 当然), 但不包括全天候滚动社交媒体. Forget the Fear of Missing Out 和 try the Joy of Missing Out instead. #乔莫!

It’s great to get out 和 #movemore outside, but make sure you #relaxmore, too.

  • Start small by scheduling time with a friend to try one of the first three ideas. (他们是容易!)
  • 然后, plan a bigger trip with your companions to go on a picnic or even a camping trip, 随着户外活动成为你生活中越来越重要的一部分.

It’s time to stop reading 和 take a deep, calming breath in nature, so you can be Healthy for Good!