


仔细的规划, focusing on mental health and enforcing infection prevention practices are critical for caregivers in the era of COVID-19.

黛博拉·邓恩, national president of the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, 提供以下建议:

– Try to get 90-day supplies of prescriptions; use a pharmacy with a drive-through or delivery service.

– Review home care supplies such as distilled water for CPAP machines, 尿失禁的衣服, and supplies for chronic conditions such as diabetes or lung disease.

-了解医生是否正在进行远程医疗访问. 如果有,又是如何做到的呢.

– Learn what may still require in-person medical visits and how those are conducted, 比如做检查或抽血.

– Talk to health care providers about plans or strategies to monitor chronic conditions.

– Coordinate ongoing home health care visits and learn the infection prevention steps. 询问虚拟访问.

– Reinforce infection protection practices like social distancing and proper hand-washing.

– Discuss health care system preference if hospitalization becomes necessary.

-保管重要文件, 比如病史, 医疗信息发布表和预先指示, 很容易在紧急情况下使用. Better yet, have everything on a USB flash drive that can be easily transported and updated.

– Help devise a plan for you both to stay healthy that includes exercise, 营养, 补水和充足的睡眠.

– Limit news intake about the coronavirus to an hour or two a day. 持续的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽更新似乎会引起更多的焦虑.

– Focus on joy and gratitude; provide hope and assurances that "this too shall pass" and "we are in this together."

-鼓励缝纫等爱好, 园艺或拼图, 找到缓解压力的方法,比如冥想或祈祷. 必要时提供心理健康支持.

– Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, past achievements and other happy occasions or memories.


– Maintain physical distancing; avoid or minimize physical contact.

– If you need to have physical contact, wash hands and wear a mask and gloves.

– Deliver groceries, prescriptions and other supplies; provide surprise, cheerful "care packages."

– Make sure your phone number and those of other emergency helpers are handy.

– Set a time when to regularly connect by phone or video call; encourage your loved one to reach out and provide support to others.

-强调呆在家里的重要性, avoiding unnecessary close contact with others and washing hands after touching outside items such as deliveries and mail.

查找有关处理的建议 护理的新挑战 在COVID-19.

Editor's note: Because of the rapidly evolving events surrounding the coronavirus, the facts and advice presented in this story may have changed since publication. 访问 心.org 获取最新报道, and check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health officials for the most recent guidance.

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email (电子邮件保护).


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