Overall heart-healthy diet is more important than occasional indulgences

By American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽


Don’t sweat satisfying a sweet tooth every now and then.


“生日派对上的蛋糕和冰淇淋不需要坦白,”罗伯特·埃克尔(Robert Eckel)说.D.奥罗拉科罗拉多大学安舒茨医学院的医学教授. 当然,除非每天都有一个生日派对,蛋糕和冰淇淋成为主食.


最大的收获是:只要美国人在大部分线上电子游戏飞禽走兽里做出健康的决定,并保持对大局的关注, they can build cardiovascular health that’s muscular enough to handle the rest.

近三分之二的美国.S. adults have high or elevated blood pressure. Another one-third of adults have elevated levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol. 减少这些级别和预防心脏病和中风是新建议的目的, some of which replace previous best practices from the American Heart Association.


“This is where heart health starts,” 埃克尔说. “生活方式是我们预防心脏病和中风的起点.” The recommended dietary pattern emphasizes fruits, 蔬菜, 全谷物, 低脂乳制品, 家禽, 鱼和坚果. It also calls for limits on red meat and sugary foods and beverages. Many diets fit that pattern, including the Mediterranean diet, DASH——停止高血压的饮食方法的缩写——是由国家心脏协会推广的饮食计划, 肺, and Blood Institute and diets suggested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the American Heart Association.

这种模式可以很容易地根据一个人的文化和食物偏好进行调整. The guidelines also place specific limits on a trio of unhealthy nutrients: sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.

目前,美国成年人平均每天摄入约3600毫克钠. For people who need to lower their blood pressure, 新的指南建议采取逐步减少的方法,将每日钠摄入量限制在不超过2毫克,400 mg. Getting daily sodium consumption down to 1,500 mg is desirable because it can lower blood pressure even further.

“Nearly all of us are consuming too much sodium, and regardless of what the target is, getting sodium intake as low as possible should be the overall goal,戈登·托马塞利说, M.D., 指导指南完成的小组委员会联合主席,巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学院心脏病学主任.

少吃高钠加工食品,多在家做饭是一个好的开始, Tomaselli说. 这是因为美国人平均饮食中高达75%的钠来自加工食品或餐馆食品.

“People may not even know they’re eating it,托马塞利说, a past American Heart Association president.

降低胆固醇, 新的指南建议将饱和脂肪减少到不超过总热量的5%到6%. 对于吃2的人来说,000卡路里的热量——一个成年人每天平均摄入的热量——大约是13克饱和脂肪.

大多数饱和脂肪来自肉类,如肥肉牛肉、羊肉、猪肉和带皮家禽. 全脂乳制品, 比如黄油, 奶油, cheese and products made from whole or 2 percent milk, are also high in saturated fat.

新的指导方针还呼吁人们避免使用反式脂肪——在美国食品和药物管理局于11月宣布打算禁止在加工食品中使用反式脂肪之后,这应该不那么难了. Trans fats are currently found in many fried foods and baked goods such as pastries, 披萨面团, 派皮, 饼干和饼干.

By following the recommended dietary pattern, 美国人不必担心要一直记录钠的摄入量, saturated fat and trans fat they’re eating, 埃克尔说.


Being physically active is also important to prevent heart disease and stroke. 只要每周三到四次,每次40分钟的中等到高强度的有氧运动就足以保持健康. Brisk walking, swimming, bicycling or a dance class are excellent choices.

托马塞利说:“该指南强调的是,任何运动都对你有益。. “Many people don’t exercise at all, 所以今天比昨天多锻炼一点是达到推荐线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的好方法.”

While some patients will need medications to manage blood pressure and cholesterol, 埃克尔说,医生应该同时开出新指南中列出的饮食和锻炼策略. “生活方式的改变应该贯穿整个治疗窗口期,”埃克尔说.


American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 Stories

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