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当博士. David 花王 tells patients they have atrial fibrillation – an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm that can lead to stroke, blood clots or other health issues – their first question is usually "Do I have to give up coffee?"


“他们很兴奋,花王说, a cardiologist and an associate professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. 对许多心脏病患者来说, “咖啡永远是他们日常生活的一部分, 他们已经放弃了那么多. 它只是让人们在某种程度上感觉正常, 在很多方面, 他们不再觉得自己是正常人了."

把他们的假设归咎于咖啡因, which gets coffee lovers going in the morning and may keep them alert when the daily doldrums set in.

“因为它是一种兴奋剂, 他们觉得自己的心跳加速,情况更糟了, especially when you have an arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation,”医生说。. 何塞Joglar, a professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and head of its arrhythmia program. “但这不是科学."

Joglar是new 的指导方针 from the American College of Cardiology and the 美国心脏协会 on diagnosing and treating atrial fibrillation, 或AFib, 最近发表于《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》杂志. 在生活习惯的详细讨论中, 修改风险, 治疗和房颤的复杂性, the authors included specific reassurances that caffeine isn't the problem.

Studies "have generally found that caffeine consumed in usual amounts is either associated with no heightened risk or a reduced risk of incident atrial fibrillation,报告说.

"The bad reputation that caffeine has is not deserved," Joglar said. “咖啡因已被证明对心脏是安全的."

此外,它甚至可能带来一些好处. A 2021 研究 published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure suggested that caffeinated coffee may actually reduce the risk of heart failure. The research analyzed three studies and showed that "increased coffee consumption appeared to correlate with reduced risk of developing heart failure later in life."

花王, 分析的资深作者, invokes the research to reassure patients who develop heart problems and blame coffee.

"People think they may have been harming themselves the whole time,他说. “他们一生都在喝咖啡, 他们认为这就是他们有心房纤颤的原因, 哪一个似乎不是这样. 这不是他们的错,这让我松了口气."

Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day – roughly four or five cups of coffee – can be safe for healthy adults, 根据美国食品和药物管理局.

However, this cup of good cheer does come with a few caveats.

"There are always some patients who are more sensitive to caffeine," Joglar said. “那些病人应该小心. 它会让你感觉更糟. 当然,如果你喝得太多,你会紧张不安." But for the average person, he said, coffee likely is not detrimental to their health.

花王同意. "There may be other reasons people may want to stop drinking coffee, 比如睡眠障碍或焦虑症,他说. “但不是为了心脏的缘故."

The coffee-friendly AFib recommendations don't extend to every heart condition or high blood pressure. 为了确定,Joglar建议,和你的医生谈谈.

也不是所有种类的咖啡都适用. 花王 said most studies focus on caffeinated black coffee – not decaffeinated coffee or instant coffee, 加工过程中哪些地方可能会失去一些健康益处. "I think the jury is still out on the decaf question,他说. “知道这一点真的很有帮助."

The same holds true when it comes to another major source for caffeine in the U.S.苏打水,尤其是那些含有人工甜味剂的. “我们还没有把它分解得足够充分,”高说.

Although Joglar is a coffee lover – "I always thought caffeine is a superfood" – he's not referring to coffee-based beverages enhanced with sugar, 风味糖浆, 鲜奶油和其他高热量食物, 没有研究表明它对心脏有好处.


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