
By American Heart Association News

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(Ok Sotnykova/iStock via Getty Images)

More than half of U.S. 中风后幸存下来的成年人在接下来的一年里会出现认知障碍, a new science report says. As many as 1 in 3 survivors will develop dementia within five years.

一份来自美国心脏协会和美国中风协会的最新科学声明总结了中风与随后的认知障碍和痴呆之间的最新研究. It published Monday in the journal Stroke.

“认知障碍是一种经常被低估和诊断不足的疾病,但却是中风幸存者经常遇到的常见疾病," Dr. 声明撰写委员会主席纳达·侯赛尼(Nada El Husseini)在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说. 她是杜伦杜克大学医学中心的神经学副教授, North Carolina.

“应该对中风幸存者进行系统的认知障碍评估,以便在症状出现后尽快开始治疗," she said.

Roughly 9.4 million U.S. adults – 3.根据美国心脏协会的最新统计数据,6%的人口报告曾患过中风. 认知问题可能在中风后立即或数年后出现.

“中风后的认知障碍从轻微损害到痴呆,可能影响生活的许多方面, such as remembering, thinking, planning, language and attention, as well as a person's ability to work, drive or live independently," El Husseini said.

该声明指出,高达60%的中风幸存者在第一年内会出现认知障碍, most often within the first two weeks of their stroke. For about 40% of survivors, 这种损伤并不严重到足以达到痴呆症的标准,但仍会影响他们的生活质量. 在经历轻度认知障碍的幸存者中,多达20%的人完全恢复了认知功能, usually within six months of a stroke.

中风后的认知障碍通常与其他问题有关, including physical disabilities, sleep disorders, behavioral and personality changes, depression and other neuropsychological changes.

尽管30分钟或更短的简短测试被广泛用于筛查中风后的认知缺陷, there is currently no gold standard. 该声明的作者强调了在最初住院期间对中风幸存者进行认知缺陷筛查的重要性,并评估他们随着线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的推移认知技能的变化, 特别是如果幸存者在日常生活活动中遇到困难. 该声明鼓励卫生保健专业人员为患者和护理人员提供有关家庭安全的指导, returning to work and driving after having a stroke.

Stroke risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes and atrial fibrillation, 如何预防再次中风和认知障碍的恶化, the report said.

Future research, the authors said, 能否说明中风后认知障碍是如何发展的,以及其他因素是如何发展的, such as infection and frailty, may play a role. 中风后认知筛查的最佳实践, cultural and linguistic factors into consideration also are needed.

"Perhaps the most pressing need, however, 脑卒中后认知障碍的有效和文化相关治疗方法的发展," El Husseini said. “我们希望看到足够大的临床试验来评估各种技术, 不同患者群体的药物治疗和生活方式的改变可能有助于改善认知功能."

American Heart Association News Stories

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