Being vaccinated may lower stroke risk in adults with flu-like illnesses

By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

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Flu-like illnesses can increase the risk for stroke among adults, but being vaccinated might lower those odds, especially among those under 45, 新研究发现.

The study, published Monday in the American Heart Association journal 中风, 发现类似流感的疾病增加了感染后一个月内中风的几率, with the highest risk among unvaccinated 18- to 44-year-olds.

中风在年轻人中呈上升趋势,占美国所有中风病例的10%左右.S.根据美国心脏协会的说法 Heart Disease and 中风 Statistics-2022 Update. 研究表明,年轻人中风的原因比老年人更广泛, and other strategies for prevention may be needed.

The new study looked at the relationship between strokes, flu-like illnesses and whether vaccines might play a role in prevention. 类似流感的疾病被定义为发烧达到华氏100度或更高, a cough and/or a sore throat, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“对于年轻人来说, we need to be looking at stroke risk factors outside the conventional ones,阿米莉亚·伯梅说, 该研究的资深作者,纽约市哥伦比亚大学神经病学临床结果研究和人口科学部门的流行病学助理教授. “一般来说,感染会增加中风的风险,流感类疾病也不例外. We've shown that one way to prevent stroke is through the use of vaccines."

Using a nationwide database of people in employee-sponsored insurance programs, researchers analyzed data for 331,在2008年至2014年期间因中风入院的828名18至65岁的成年人. 他们与一组头部或脚踝受伤的对照组进行了比较.

研究人员使用医疗记录来确定患者是否在入院前或入院时患有流感样疾病,以及他们是否在前一年接种过任何类型的疫苗. Although data wasn't available on which vaccines people received, evidence supports that the majority of vaccines in adults were flu vaccines, 每年一次.

整体, 那些在入院前一个月患有类似流感疾病的人中风的几率比没有这种疾病的人高38%. 但在入院前一年接种过疫苗的人,这种几率要低得多. 对于未接种疫苗的人, the odds of stroke were 46% higher, while those who were vaccinated had 11% higher odds.

患者出现流感样疾病的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽越接近住院线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, the higher the odds of having a stroke, 这表明类似流感的疾病是引发中风的诱因,而不是长期风险, 伯麦说.

在45岁以下人群中,未接种流感类疾病疫苗的人中风风险最高. 他们中风的几率高出73%,而同龄接种疫苗的人中风的几率高出41%.

Among 45- to 65-year-olds who were unvaccinated and had a flu-like illness, the odds of having a stroke rose 39%. But in the vaccinated group, a flu-like illness didn't increase stroke risk.

Getting a flu shot every year can help ward off more than just the flu virus, 先前的研究表明. "There's evidence of a cumulative effect for the flu vaccine," 伯麦说. “每年接种疫苗的人比今年第一次接种流感疫苗的人中风的风险降低得更大."

十几项研究着眼于流感类疾病和心血管疾病之间的联系, 根据… 编辑 伴随研究. 一些研究发现,确诊流感患者患心脏病的风险更高, 一项研究表明,在流感样疾病的头15天内,中风的风险更高. Previous research also suggests flu vaccines can lower the risk for stroke, though evidence is inconsistent.

"Even though there has been a fair amount of research done, it is spotty and incomplete," said the 编辑's author Dr. 拉里•戈尔茨坦, 他是位于列克星敦的肯塔基大学的神经学主席和临床研究副院长. "Science moves in increments, 这是流感类疾病和心血管疾病之间关系的额外证据.

Proving that the flu causes stroke is challenging, 他说, 因为故意让人们接触流感病毒或在随机试验中否定疫苗——研究的黄金标准——来测试该理论是不道德的.

But, 他说, the new study supports the 建议 美国心脏协会(AHA)和美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology)建议心血管疾病患者每年接种流感疫苗,“不仅是为了呼吸系统的健康。, 还可能降低心血管线上娱乐电子游戏网站和中风的风险."

伯麦说 she'd like to see more young adults get the flu vaccine. 根据 疾病预防控制中心, 在过去的流感季节,50岁以下的成年人中只有约三分之一接种了流感疫苗,而50-64岁的人中有一半接种了流感疫苗,65岁及以上的人中有三分之二以上接种了流感疫苗.

"We have a vaccine with a very low usage rate overall," 伯麦说. "People think, 'Oh, it's just the flu, it's fine.'"

But the flu can be a devastating disease, s他说. “一旦人们了解流感会增加患心脏病和中风的风险,而流感疫苗会降低这种风险,这可能会改变他们的观念,使他们更愿意接种流感疫苗。."

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