纽约 woman who saved husband's life inspires others to learn 心肺复苏

By Suzanne Marta, 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

丽莎·怀尔斯(右)和她的丈夫丹,当他心脏骤停时,她用心肺复苏术救了他. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)
Lisa Wiles (right) helped save her husband, 丹, by performing 心肺复苏. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)

2020年4月,丽莎·怀尔斯(Lisa Wiles)听到丈夫的声音时,正在厨房准备晚餐, 丹, shout an expletive from the other room.

She figured it was a reaction to the news. Still, she went to check on him.

“他的眼睛没有盯着任何东西,还发出可怕的呼吸声,”丽莎说. "I thought at first he was choking."

她朝他大喊,看他会不会回应,然后跑去拿电话打911. 近年来,丹在调节心律方面多次出现问题, 所以她担心最坏的情况.

"The 911 operator could hear the sounds he was making and said, “你必须开始心肺复苏术,’”丽莎回忆道.

丹, then 57, was in cardiac arrest. Lisa, then 51, had 心肺复苏 training nearly two decades earlier. 在911接线员的指示下,丽莎把丹拖到地板上,开始按压.

"My hands knew what to do,丽莎说. "I started 心肺复苏 and (the operator) counted for me."

几分钟后, 奥内达加县治安部门的一名警官冲进了他们位于锡拉丘兹郊外的家, 纽约, and hooked up an automated external defibrillator. When the machine indicated 丹's heart wasn't in a shockable rhythm, 他们继续做心肺复苏术,直到第二位警官来救了丽莎.

"I had no idea how tiring it was,丽莎说.

第二次尝试使用AED表明丹的心脏并没有处于震荡的节奏. Then an ambulance arrived and paramedics used their defibrillator. This time, the machine indicated a shockable rhythm and provided a shock. Thirteen minutes after his heart stopped, 丹's heart resumed beating.

由于COVID-19大流行,丽莎只被允许在急诊室短暂就诊. A nurse warned her that he was sometimes confused and repeating himself.


"I said 'yes' and he began to cry," she said. "I didn't see him again until he was released five days later."

这对夫妇了解到丹患有心房颤动,然后他的心脏进入室性心动过速, an abnormal rhythm in the heart's lower chambers, 导致心脏骤停.

丹在2012年被诊断出患有心房扑动,并接受了一段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的药物治疗和消融术治疗. 2015年,他被诊断出患有心房颤动,并于2018年进行了第二次消融.

心脏骤停后, 如果他的心脏再次出现危及生命的异常节律,医生会给他安装一个植入式心律转复除颤器. 

丹 spent three months puttering around the house as he recovered. 直到几个月后,他才意识到这段经历的重要性.

"I was basically dead and now I had a second chance at life," he said. “她为我所做的以及她在那种情况下的表现令人难以置信. I would like to think I would do the exact same thing."

 丹 had trouble sleeping, so he sought help from a therapist. 他还经历了一场身体和情感上都很艰难的考验:在冬天跳进一个结冰的池塘去救昆西, 这是一对夫妇在丹康复期间收养的一只55磅重的德国牧羊犬. 丹 hoisted out Quincy, then climbed out himself.

丹 Wiles with his dog, Quincy, at obedience training. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)
丹 Wiles with his dog, Quincy, at obedience training. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)

"It was a great test for how well my heart was working," he said. (As for Quincy, he fully recovered.)

For months following her lifesaving act, 丽莎带着焦虑和恐惧离开了,她担心丹的心脏可能会再次停止跳动.

"It took me about 10 months before I really felt like myself," she said. "I'm so grateful for the outcome, 但我永远不会忘记他的眼睛、他的声音以及在那个房间里发生的事情."

Lisa found solace in learning more about 心肺复苏. She was surprised by the extremes of the statistics: About 9 in 10 people who have a cardiac arrest outside the hospital die; however, for those who receive 心肺复苏 in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest, their chances of survival can double or triple.

About 70% of the estimated 350,000 cardiac arrests that occur outside hospitals each year happen at home, 但这些病人中有一半在救护车到达之前没有得到旁观者的帮助.

As the couple approached the anniversary of 丹's cardiac arrest, 他们决定组织社区心肺复苏术课程,由马塞勒斯救护车志愿者紧急服务中心(MAVES)的一名护理人员领导,他回应了丽莎的911电话.

丽莎在社交媒体上推广了这门课,引起了很多人的兴趣,他们最终在马塞勒斯组织了一门课,在罗切斯特组织了两门课. Between the classes, 51 attendees became trained in 心肺复苏 and AEDs.

布莱恩·洛克伍德(Brian Lockwood)是接听丽莎911电话的急救医生之一,他对一群人进行心肺复苏术培训. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)
布莱恩·洛克伍德(左), one of the EMTs who responded to Lisa's 911 call, trains a group in how to perform 心肺复苏. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Wiles)


另外, five of their nieces walked a marathon along the Erie Canal, where 丹 worked as a boat captain for 35 years, 增加3美元,500为maaves购买装备.

“如果丽莎没有做心肺复苏术, 我就不会在这里了,丹说, who has renewed the 心肺复苏 training he first earned decades ago. "I am alive today because a zillion things had to go perfectly and they did, 一切都是从心肺复苏术开始的."

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

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