Higher 'spirituality' linked to better quality of life for stroke survivors, caregivers


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(kali9/E+, Getty Images)

Having a higher level of spirituality helps lessen depression in stroke survivors and their caregivers and boosts their quality of life, 根据一项新的研究.

The study included data from 223 caregiver-stroke survivor pairs in Italy who completed questionnaires measuring spirituality, 抑郁症与2016年至2018年的生活质量.

Survivors who scored above average on the spirituality questionnaire reported higher 心理 quality of life even when their caregivers reported symptoms of depression. Caregivers with above-average spirituality scores reported better physical and 心理 quality of life.

The research was published Tuesday in the 美国心脏协会's journal 循环:心血管质量和结果.

"Our study emphasizes the importance of viewing stroke survivors holistically, 作为一个有症状和残疾的病人, and as an individual with emotional needs and part of an interdependent unit with their care partner," lead study author Gianluca Pucciarelli said in a news release. 他是罗马大学的研究员.

The World Health Organization defines spirituality as a person's perception of their life within the context of the culture and the society's value systems, 和他们的目标有关, 预期, 标准和关注事项. 生活质量——它是物质的, 心理, social and environmental aspects – was measured using the WHO's 26-question survey.

Those who scored one standard deviation above average were considered to have "higher spirituality." Stroke survivors who scored below average on the spirituality questionnaire had lower quality of life overall, 有抑郁症状的照顾者也是如此.

“总之, 当照顾者感到沮丧时, 这对中风护理人员来说很常见, the survivor's spirituality made the difference in whether this was associated with better or worse quality of life. This demonstrates the important protective role of spirituality in illness, 以及为什么我们必须更多地研究它,普恰雷利说.

这也是为什么, 他说, there should be greater awareness about the importance of spirituality among health professionals.

The predominant religion in Italy is Roman Catholicism, which could have affected the results. 也, the study included only stroke survivors with low-to-medium disabilities and no other major health issues, so the study's findings may not apply to survivors with more severe disabilities or other underlying illnesses.

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