

The Good Brigade/DigitalVision, Getty Images
(The Good Brigade/DigitalVision, Getty Images)

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As nonstop news about the global pandemic of coronavirus spreads worry, 这是一个喘息的机会. By United Nations proclamation, Friday is 国际幸福日, with events around the world aimed at spreading good cheer.

鉴于美国和全球对冠状病毒的持续不确定性,这可能很难让人接受. 然而,, studies show a mind-body connection between psychological and physical well-being, 包括更好的心血管健康.

“事实上,有相当充分的科学证据表明,更快乐、更乐观、对生活有更光明前景的人患心脏病的可能性更小。, have problems after they have heart disease, 死于心脏病,”医生说。. 杰弗里•霍夫曼, 波士顿麻省总医院心脏精神病学研究项目主任. "There's a real connection between well-being and heart health."

That connection is reflected in many factors, said Dr. 劳拉·库布赞斯基(Laura Kubzansky)是哈佛大学李锦祥健康与幸福中心的联合主任.H. Chan School of Public Health, also in Boston.

“心理健康程度较高的人更有可能做出健康的行为, particularly doing more physical activity and eating a healthier diet, 而且他们不太可能吸烟,她说. "Folks who are happier tend to have better social relationships, and that's associated with better cardiac health. 他们更擅长调节情绪,所以他们能够更好地管理压力."

库布赞斯基最近与人合写了一份对15项研究的荟萃分析,涵盖了近230项研究,乐观的心态与降低心脏病发作和中风的风险有关, 同时也降低了死亡风险. 2019年的评论发表在 JAMA网络开放, suggested promoting an optimistic mindset could be good preventive medicine.

"The evidence is increasingly strong,她说. "What we do about it will be an interesting question. Long before you get to the cardiologist, 你和你的初级保健医生应该谈谈你的心理状态."

霍夫曼为患有心脏病和其他疾病的人设计了健康项目, and a positive state of mind is an important part of the process.

“我们将设定锻炼目标的计划与活动结合起来,帮助培养培养积极情绪的技能,他说. “拥有积极心理方面的人感觉更有活力,更乐观, 在我们的初步工作中,它似乎比单独的目标设定计划更有效地帮助人们保持活跃."

Those sound like good reasons to get happy, whether the UN is involved or not. But both experts agree a one-time booster shot, 无论是一部搞笑的电影, 一条好消息或一件快乐的事情——不太可能产生持久的影响.

"There is a distinction between what we call 'state' and 'trait,'" Kubzansky said. "You can enjoy happy moments here and there, 但是对于长期的影响, you really need to sort of change your outlook on a sustained basis."

要做到这一点, Huffman encourages his patients to build positivity by fostering a sense of purpose; satisfaction from work, friends and family; focusing on personal strengths and good memories; and emphasizing gratitude every day.

“你使用这些技能越多, 它就越能帮助你更快乐, healthier and more effective in your life."

So have a nice 国际幸福日, but don't stop there.

"Everyone wants a quick fix," Kubzansky said. "But it's not, 'Let's just watch more cat videos!“我希望有一个简单的答案,告诉你如何以有意义的方式改善你的心理状态。, but I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all, 快速解决方案. 每个人都需要找出适合自己的方法,并像照顾身体健康一样照顾自己的心理健康."

She knows that's easier said than done. And now that the world is focused on the grim statistics surrounding COVID-19, 任务更加艰巨.

在当前呼吁保持社交距离和社交媒体上“呆在家里”的呼声日益高涨的情况下, phones can be a way to spread happiness – by chatting with a family member, 我的一个朋友, 或者邻居, 尤其是那些可能是孤独的.

"Many people live in really difficult circumstances," Kubzansky said. “你不能只是说,‘要快乐.这听起来很天真或轻率. 但如果人们能找到哪怕是很小的方法来提高他们以更积极的方式看待世界的能力, that can be very beneficial to their health."

Editor's note: Because of the rapidly evolving events surrounding the coronavirus, the facts and advice presented in this story may have changed since publication. 访问的心.Org获取最新报道, 并向疾病控制和预防中心以及当地卫生官员咨询最新的指导意见.

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email (电子邮件保护).

If unusual circumstances are adding to your stress level, you can take steps to decompress and get a handle on your anxiety. 试试我们的建议和技巧,帮助你在艰难的时刻感觉更平静、更集中.


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如果你不是一个宅男,那么多呆在家里对你和你的家人来说都是一个挑战. Try to avoid the temptation to overdo the screen time.

Here are some more simple tips for fitness activities that almost anyone can do. Choose the ones that work for your circumstances and comfort level.

不想去拥挤的健身房或流行的健身课程的健身爱好者可以在家里创建一个很棒的地方 电路的锻炼.

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避开人群? Stock up on healthy, affordable staples. (总是比较营养标签,选择添加盐和糖最少的选项.)


  • Canned, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables
  • Canned fish and meats like light tuna or white-meat chicken packed in water
  • 冷冻鸡胸肉(如果密封保存在零度或以下的冰箱里,可以安全保存一年)  
  • 干的或罐装的豆类和豆类
  • Whole grains like oats, brown rice and quinoa 
  • 干香草和香料

Remember: Shelled eggs are safe for 3-5 weeks, and unopened egg substitute is safe for up to a year in the refrigerator.


Find tasty dishes you can make with shelf-stable ingredients on our 食谱网站.

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如果你有慢性疾病, 与你的医疗保健提供者谈谈,并对安全和清洁格外警惕.

这里有更多的信息 患者可采取的预防措施

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daughter kissing fathers forehead at home

美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 Stories

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